Select a title to access full article at SpringerLink. Volume 45, issue 1 Time for the Transition - Editor's Page Libby V. Morris Excerpt: In summer 2003, volume 27, I wrote my first editorial for Innovative Higher Education, and I reiterated the goals of the journal and made a few suggestions to continue its successful path forward. It is now entering the 45th year of publication. Over the years the journal has expanded in the number of issues per volume (from 4 to 6), page length, impact, and reach. Now articles are downloaded from sites around the world. As implied, like the rest of the industry, the journal’s publication has moved from hardcopy-only to a combination of online and hardcopy, with the latter falling far behind online readership. While new topics have emerged through the years (e.g., use of twitter, online learning, interdisciplinary education), the journal’s goals have remained unchanged: the effect of innovations on teaching and students, a balance between theory and practice, and flexibility in the selection of topics to include provocative new ideas and relevance for action.