Image: by Mary Harrison Kelley Lips (EdD, 2021) released an article, published by, entitled "Create Better Enrollment Outcomes by Breaking Down Department Barriers." Lips emphasizes the importance of collaborative enrollment management, such as orientations and career counseling, across institutional departments to help student retention, financial stability, and sustainability. She states, “Institutions that embrace a holistic and collaborative approach that integrates the efforts of multiple departments are more likely to benefit from improved work culture, better enrollment outcomes, and higher student success rates.” The unification of different departments fosters innovation and cohesion within faculty. According to Lips, such strong relationships and flow of communications “lead to efficient sharing of complex knowledge related to strategic enrollment management.” The centralization of student services requires significant support from leaders, and Lips specifically notes the importance of the president in prioritizing a clear mission, vision, and expectations for the institution’s enrollment management. She writes, “The best organizational structures are firm but flexible, promote open systems of communication, and prioritize goals of the institution that are supported by enrollment.” Lips is the assistant vice provost and dean of enrollment services at Oxford College of Emory University. Article is available from University Business Type of News/Audience: Alumni General News