The IHE Community Supports Four Scholarships that Directly Assist Student Research Jennifer May-Trifiletti Jennifer May-Trifiletti received the Thomas G. Dyer Outstanding Dissertation Research Award for her exploration of striving strategies in community colleges and their effects on the colleges and their students. Jenn uses rigorous quantitative methods of to gauge causality and effect of institutional policies and initiatives on student access and completion. Lindsey Hammond and Erik Ness The Zell and Shirley Miller Fellowship recognized the extraordinarily productive professional year of Lindsey Hammond. Lindsey, a fourth year Ph.D. student, submitted three manuscripts for review to major journals, presented first-authored works at five major conferences (ASHE, AERA, CSCC, AEFP and SFARN), served as the instructional assistant for two IHE courses, all while completing a draft of her dissertation proposal. Lindsey categorized her experience at the Institute as “positively transformative [and] deeply enriching.” Jim Hearn and Justin Jeffery Justin Jeffery was awarded the Libby V. Morris Leadership Award. As director of International Student Life at UGA, Justin strives to bring his coursework and research to bear on improving UGA’s outreach programming and overall support of international students. He presented work at major professional meetings and recently won a grant to investigate the relationship between acculturation and degree attainment among immigrant students. He noted, “It’s a special and powerful experience to work with people you admire.” Joshua Patterson Joshua Patterson received the J. Douglas Toma Excellence in Scholarship and Service Award. Josh explores organizational decision making at the intersection of religion and higher education. He presented research and convened panels at several conferences, including ASHE and the American Academy of Religion. He is a grantee with the Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey. Type of News/Audience: 2020 IHE Report Tags: IHE Report Institute of Higher Education Awards/Scholarships Student Awards Read More: