Image: by Larissa Lozano Rachel Burns, MIHE alumna, will lead and develop a multi-year research initiative to quantify the impacts of college closures in partnership with the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. In her new role as senior policy analyst at the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO), she also will support other organization priorities in policy evaluation and research. Burns earned her Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the Louise McBee Institute of Higher Education in 2018. Since graduation, Burns has co-authored several papers on economic development in higher education, student loan debts, state financial aid policies, and military aid for veteran students. She has continued to publish articles with Professor Jim Hearn on higher education workforce planning and with Professor Emerita Karen Webber on student debt. Previously at RTI International’s Center for Education Survey Research and Analysis, Burns worked extensively with the Early Career Doctorates Survey (ECDS) for the National Science Foundation and managed a major project with the Pew Charitable Trusts. SHEEO was founded in 1954 as a group of chief executives from postsecondary education coordinating and governing boards. It is a leader in analysis and information on educational and public policy, and it serves as an advocate for state higher education leadership. Read the SHEEO press release. Type of News/Audience: Alumni General News