Image: Dr. Kellie McElroy Hooper has been appointed as the first dean of the School for Public and Professional Services at Augusta Technical College. “I believe learning is a lifelong experience that can be life changing. Learning promotes growth, curiosity, and increases self-confidence,” Hooper says. Hooper received her Ed.D. in Higher Education Administration from the McBee Institute of Higher Education in 2021. She has built an impressive resume of leadership in technical colleges. She has served as the associate dean of health and public safety at Western Technical College in Wisconsin, and as dean of workforce and public safety at Hennepin Technical College in Minnesota. Most recently, Dr. Hooper was the dean of career and technical education at South Central College in southwest Minnesota. In the press release announcing the appointment, Hooper sums up her commitment to her work, “Education provides an opportunity to earn the necessary qualifications and make connections to get your foot in the door, take your seat at the table and use your voice to inspire change and innovation in your community, professional field and society.” Type of News/Audience: Alumni General News