Image: "The Relationships Between State Community College Governance Centralization and Local Appropriations" appears in the latest issue of Higher Education Politics & Economics. The research by Lindsey Hammond (PhD 2020), Sean Baser (PhD student) and Alexander Cassell (MEd 2019) explores relationship between community college independence and local appropriations outcomes. The team compared local funding trends among six statewide community college governance frameworks, varying from no central structure to a separate group for community colleges only to the consolidation of all P-20 institutions under one entity. Their findings suggest that community colleges in the three states without a centralized governance structure experience positive levels of local support while none of the centralized governance structures provided positive correlations. The work provides a meaningful initial study of the the complex relationships between state and local priorities and their impact on post-secondary education appropriations. Read the full article at: Type of News/Audience: Alumni Research