Image: Ashley Clayton (IHE Postdoc 2016-2017) and co-author Paul Umbach evaluate the effectiveness of North Carolina's college access campaign in increasing the overall number of applications submitted to the state's postsecondary institutions and low-income student enrollment figures. North Carolina was an early sponsor of state-wide campaigns to encourage applications and one of the few states that removes application fees for during the campaign. Using institution-level data and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data Clayton and Umbach compare and contrast results in North Carolina with wider trends. Their research indicates that the North Carolina College Access Week (NC CAW) improved application rates, particularly to private colleges in the state. They also found several ways in which North Carolina offers important lessons to other states and even to individual institutions that wish to engage these concerted enrollment programs. Read the full article at: Type of News/Audience: Alumni