Sixteen IHE students are participating in a total of 27 presentations, poster sessions and roundtables at the 2015 conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in Denver this week.
Their topics – ranging from investigating student loan debt to outcomes-based funding policies – relate to the theme of the 40th annual conference: Inequality & Higher Education.
Denisa Gándara, Paul Rubin, Lori Hagood, Kristen Linthicum and Tiffanie Spencer are presenting research with IHE faculty members James Hearn and Erik Ness on “State Policy Cultures as a Mediating Factor in Higher-Education Policy Debates: An Examination of College-Completion Policies in Five States.”
Other IHE faculty participating in conference sessions include Timothy Cain, Manuel González Canché, Sheila Slaughter, Robert Toutkoushian, Karen Webber, and Sondra Barringer. Among their topics are faculty and graduate student unions, defining “first-generation” students in higher education research, and measuring the effect of a heterogeneous non-resident student body on tuition and fee variations.