Image: Ben Jacobs named a UGA Amazing Student. "My first two years at the University of Georgia have allowed me amazing experiences. Beginning classes the summer before my freshman year, I was eager to start at UGA and couldn’t wait the entire summer to do so. During my freshman year, I joined the UGA Rowing Team as a coxswain, the person at the front of the boat who motivates (yells at) the rowers. While waking up at 6 a.m. several times a week for practice may not be many students’ idea of a fun time, to me it was all worth it come race day. Joining the team got me in shape, but more importantly allowed me to develop friendships that I am confident will extend long after college. "I also began working at the UGA Institute of Higher Education during my second semester of freshman year. As a research assistant, I’m working under a grant titled “The Executive Science Network: University Trustees and the Organization of Industry Exchanges.” This has provided me great insight into the structure of many public and private universities. "I cannot be more thankful for the opportunities that I have had over the past four semesters and I am looking forward to my final year of study at this great university." Read about Ben at this UGA web site. Type of News/Audience: General News